Early Ford Exterior Door Handles | KA6018

KNS Accessories » Antique Car Parts » Ford » 1928-'31 Model A » 1928-'31 Exterior » Early Ford Exterior Door Handles | KA6018
Early Ford Exterior Door Handles | KA6018
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Best reproduction handles on the market! These have a superior
chrome mirror finish and made from high quality die cast metal.
Handle has 1 5/8" shaft and a stainless steel bezel with a 1 3/8" bolt
spacing and curved mounting surface. Fits both left and right side.

Applications – 1928-'31 Model A Roadster, Roadster Pick Up, Phaeton
1933-'34 Ford Roadster, Phaeton

Function – Door handle

Material – Die cast

Hardware – Locking keys included

Unit – Sold by each

Part No.  Description
KA6018 1928-'34 Ford Model A chrome locking exterior door handle
KA6020 1928-'34 Ford Model A chrome non-locking exterior door handle
